Just a middle-brow reader who loves a good story, recipe or how-to.
This week's topic for the GoodRead's group "Tuesday Talks" was anticipated new releases of 2016. I narrowed it down to my most highly anticipated reads (Stars Above made the list because of an author appearance scheduled for February 4th at Powell's Books in Beaverton, Oregon). No real surprises here, as all are either in a series or by an author that I already enjoy.
I went in to a bit more detail on my wordpress blog: http://wp.me/p5Tcfi-ql
I've been a bit MIA on booklikes lately, but hopefully that will change soon. I have a bit of a backlog of review copies to get through ASAP and a small stack of books won in giveaways waiting as well, not to mention the netgalley ebooks (including The Custodian of Marvels) sitting unread on my kindle...